Aaron Moore
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What is the best career?
I love maths and biology and i always wanted to be a doctor but i dont have a lot of maths in there. I, also, want to work on labs and be investigator. #working #career

what is the best way to play basketball or football in college
#basketball #football

What is a "life lesson" you wished to have learned if you had the choice to?
I'm looking for some advice from others, please share if you would like to and if you're looking for advice yourself please read some of the responses from the wonderful people whom have responded! Thanks to all!
#life #life-experience #advice

What classes should I take the rest of high school to get me ready to try to get my certification for being a personal trainer?
I've been playing with a few ideas. My father owns a gym and is a certified personal trainer, and I would always love to keep the business running because I saw how much work he put into it, but then again some other careers I've looked at is landscaping and outside work that pays well I would...

is an animator salary good enough to live a comfortable life
#general #life #work #career

If you could redo college, what would you do differently?
#college #college-major #college-admissions #college-advice ##college #college-bound #college-recruiting #colleges #university #user-experience #nursing #teaching #education #psychology #computer-science #science #stem #engineering #accounting #business #college-counseling #lawyer...