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Karim’s Avatar
Karim Jan 23, 2018 987 views

As a graduate out of college, would it be best to do an internship at the company of your dreams or accept an entry level position that pays your requested salary?

#dreams, #internship

Twain’s Avatar
Twain Sep 28, 2018 827 views

Will employeers consider a second year college student for a intership?

I am just curious if an employer will consider a second year college student in Aerospace Logistics for an internship? #Aerospace #Aviation

Zackary’s Avatar
Zackary Oct 27, 2020 614 views

What is the average day of an aerospace engineer look like?

10th grader who is trying to get more information on careers to help my decision on what I should be when I am an adult. #aerospaceengineer