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Andrew Glauster’s Avatar

Andrew Glauster

Application Architect
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Robbinsville, New Jersey
7 Answers
7723 Reads
11 Karma

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Jing’s Avatar
Jing Apr 13, 2021 1030 views

How do you find your career and what you want to do?

I am a current Junior and I am going to make my college application. I want to know that how to find a career and I can choose my major to study in. #careers #career-path #career-choice

Idris’s Avatar
Idris Mar 20, 2019 1375 views

Which carrier path in your opinion, normally leads to the IT Product Manager (Product Owner) role?

Hey there, Please advise, which carrier path in your opinion, normally leads to the IT Product Manager role? And what is the further carrier path options available for IT Product Manager? What are the key competence required for Product Manager role? Thank you. #IT #ProductManager...

NIEAM’s Avatar
NIEAM Apr 21, 2021 551 views

I want to know about stocks

starting stocks #career-counseling

Bryce’s Avatar
Bryce Oct 25, 2016 1878 views

In the field of Computer Science, what do you do in average day? Do you enjoy it?

I've been looking to pursue a career in Computer science, and I'm currently in an AP Computer Science course at my school. I would like to know more about the average day of someone in this field. I've worked with some basic programming in my class, and I enjoy it, but would like to know how...

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina May 22, 2019 2559 views

What do you like most about your career?


Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Mar 10, 2021 1080 views

How hard is it to get Doctorate in Electrical Engineering?

(how many years minimum) #career