Career questions tagged carrier

How to become a truck driver?
Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Truck Driver? Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

Which carrier path in your opinion, normally leads to the IT Product Manager (Product Owner) role?
Hey there, Please advise, which carrier path in your opinion, normally leads to the IT Product Manager role? And what is the further carrier path options available for IT Product Manager? What are the key competence required for Product Manager role? Thank you. #IT #ProductManager #Management #carrier #carrierpath #ITproductManager

How do I find my passion?
I plan on majoring in Computer Science next fall. I find this subject interesting and like learning about all subjects in school (math, English, science, etc), but I am not sure what I am passionate about any of these things. Some people want to change the world through politics or help those in need and are guided by their love for these things in their career. I enjoy subjects, but my interest is only due to curiosity and not love or motivation. I am also a musician, and I find when I write songs I can't think of any lyrics. I can write tunes, but there are no feelings to guide the songwriting process. Any thoughts? #carrier #future