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Edwin’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
9 Questions
572 Karma

Edwin’s Career Goals

I want to be accepted into a large college with many opportunities and majors so I can find what I love in the future. I am currently looking into the medical field as a registered nurse or registered nutritionist. Careers in UX design or 3D modeling also interest me.



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Edwin’s Avatar
Edwin Dec 01, 2021 1112 views

Is it normal to take on unpaid internships to gain experience?

I am a current Senior in high school with little experience. I know I need to get experience to build my resume and skills. Is it wise to get internships that do not pay? #intern #internship

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Edwin Dec 01, 2021 610 views

Is Blender a good application to begin 3D modelling?

I am a little interested in 3D modeling as a career and wonder if Blender would be a good place to start, despite it not being the industry standard like Maya. #3D

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Edwin Nov 07, 2021 765 views

What was your biggest inspiration that led to your career path?

I want to know what made people choose the current path they follow. Do they enjoy their job or are they doing it for the money? Was there a large event that happened or was there an underlying passion for your career? #career-choice

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Edwin Nov 05, 2021 525 views

What do you do as an architect when you aren't planning your next project or are you always busy?

I'm curious about the work life of an architect. #architecture

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Edwin Nov 05, 2021 1147 views

Do any architects play minecraft?

Part of the reason I want to be an architect is because I like building houses in Minecraft. Does that translate at all into the career? #architecture

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Edwin Nov 02, 2021 1226 views

What is AutoCAD?

I've been looking into architecture as a potential career path and noticed nearly everything related to architecture needs some sort of AutoCAD experience. #architect #architecture #career

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Edwin Apr 15, 2021 1374 views

How do you balance your career and your normal life?

Growing up and starting your career path seems really time-consuming. I'm wondering how you are able to manage your time so that you still have time to do the things that you love such as sports and gaming.


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Edwin Apr 15, 2021 1418 views

Are there any in demand jobs that involve design?

I've always been interested in creating things or designing, but don't know how to create a career out of it.

#design #career

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Edwin Apr 13, 2021 765 views

Does going to certain universities affect your career path?

I don't know which college I want to go to. I am a junior in high school and don't have any college I really want or need to go to.
#high-school #college