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Darren’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
6 Questions
307 Karma

Darren’s Career Goals

I'm a high school student in my 12th grade or senior year. I am applying for biology/kinesiology or mechanical engineering majors in colleges. I hope to learn more about these majors and what career paths are possible.


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Darren’s Avatar
Darren Nov 30, 2021 1915 views

What career paths do mechanical engineers go into?

What types of jobs and career paths do mechanical engineers follow? How is the workload? What are the goals and challenges they face in their work? #mechanical-engineer #engineering #engineering #mechanical-engineering #engineer

Darren’s Avatar
Darren Nov 30, 2021 990 views

What do mechanical engineers learn in college?

What is the course work in mechanical engineering school? How is it different from other engineering programs? #engineering #mechanical-engineering #engineer #mechanical #mechanical-engineer

Darren’s Avatar
Darren Nov 08, 2021 2879 views

What do Kinesiology majors learn and do?

I'm interested in majoring in Kinesiology. I heard it's a great stepping stone for other careers. I want to learn more about what kinesiology students study and learn. Is it a difficult major and what types of careers can come out of a degree in kinesiology? #college-major #major #college...

Darren’s Avatar
Darren Nov 08, 2021 750 views

What does a physical therapist do?

Physical therapy is one of the career paths I'm interested in. But I want to learn more about what they do. What are their daily tasks, what types of patients do they see, and how is the workload? Do you find yourself happy with your job? I also want to learn how to become a physical...

Darren’s Avatar
Darren Nov 02, 2021 2475 views

Is Physical Therapy or Chiropractic Medicine worth the time and money?

From what I've learned, both physical therapy and chiropractic medicine require years of school. Tuition is pricey and school takes up a lot of your time. Is it really worth all that effort to become a PT or a DC? #medicine #physical-therapist #medical-education #physical-therapy #doctor...

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Darren Apr 21, 2021 5433 views

What steps does one have to take to become a Chiropractor?

I'm currently in high school and I am interested in the career of a Chiropractor. I'm aware that one must have a Bachelor's Degree before applying for Chiropractor school? What majors and classes do you recommend someone apply for if they are interested in becoming a D.C. ? #future #career...