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Sean Kickham’s Avatar

Sean Kickham

Data Science
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
8 Answers
20673 Reads
1 Karma

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Mitchell’s Avatar
Mitchell Sep 14, 2016 6660 views

What is the best way to improve your public speaking skills?

Public speaking is basically my biggest fear in the entire world. I pretty much try dodging every obstacle possible when it comes to this topic. This is a strong phobia of mine that just eats away at me. If I were to practice speaking when I know I have a presentation or something big coming up...

Arisa’s Avatar
Arisa Nov 29, 2020 4109 views

How to get a letter of recommendation when I'm a shy student?

I'm a decent student who occasionally contributes to the conversation and I get A's and B's in school, but I don't think I have developed a close relationship with any of my teachers. Speaking up in class is hard for me and it often feels like I'm being drowned out but other students. I'm...

Jaylen’s Avatar
Jaylen Jan 22, 2021 1381 views

What’s a good course to go into during college for someone who doesn’t know what they want to do?

I’m indecisive so I want to know some good things to study and won’t be a waste. #general

Kartik’s Avatar
Kartik Apr 21, 2021 860 views

I have a lot of interest in computers .what should I do

My name is Kartik, I learned web designing a few years ago, what should I do next .#computer

Tuyet’s Avatar
Tuyet Mar 06, 2019 1511 views

Can I become data scientist without studying at university?

#technology #data-science #tech

Mona’s Avatar
Mona May 15, 2020 4436 views

What do Data Analysts and Data Scientist do on a daily basis?

Data Analytics Student # dataanlytics #datascientists

Omar’s Avatar
Omar Nov 08, 2019 1192 views

What are the requirements to become a data scientist?

#technology #science #data scientist

Alondra’s Avatar
Alondra Apr 19, 2021 3330 views

What should be my first step to choosing the best career path for myself?

I am currently a junior and I have no idea what career path to go for in the future. #career