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Alexander Tschobokdji’s Avatar

Alexander Tschobokdji

Territory Manager, Central Region for Norton by Symantec
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Zürich, Switzerland
7 Answers
11848 Reads
91 Karma

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Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda May 19, 2016 1731 views

How do I stand out?

I am an advertising major. This is very competitive field! How can I stang out / get ahead in order to get an advertising job straight out of college? #college #marketing #job-search #advertising

Catherine’s Avatar
Catherine May 18, 2016 1898 views

What Career should I have

My teachers are constantly telling me i should know what my career is but i have no clue what i want to do!!! I love georgian houses and interiors of homes but i don't want to be a builder. This is what i am doing for GCSE's: English- I don't enjoy but can do it Maths- Try really hard but...

Anudari’s Avatar
Anudari May 14, 2016 1587 views

What are some qualities a Marketing major must posses?

I'm currently a marketing student, and I don't have much of an overall idea of what skills, qualities and experiences I should posses in the long run. For example, should I be concerned about improving my skills on Photoshop? even though I was not taught the program at school, and how do I show...

Brianna ’s Avatar
Brianna May 11, 2016 1505 views

what makes markerting so important in business?

I am about to start high school soon and I am doing this assignment for my 8th grade class and want to know more about this question for my assignment.
#business #marketing

Christy’s Avatar
Christy May 09, 2016 1530 views

Is working in a cubicle as exhausting as people say it is?

Submitting this question to enter the $2,500 scholarship. #business #finance #marketing

Alisha’s Avatar
Alisha May 02, 2016 1243 views

How can I get sales experience is all sales jobs require experience??

I'd love to work at my favourite retails stores but they always require where do I start?