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Brian Salazar-Prince’s Avatar

Brian Salazar-Prince

Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
Phoenix, Arizona
8 Answers
10868 Reads
21 Karma

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Chastity’s Avatar
Chastity May 07, 2021 1344 views

What's involved in being a therapist?

I'm Chastity and I'm thinking about being a therapist. Thank you for taking your time #psychology #physical-therapist #therapists #therapist

Beth’s Avatar
Beth May 08, 2021 849 views

Where do Psychologist work?


Ja'qwon’s Avatar
Ja'qwon Sep 04, 2020 537 views

What should your grades look like in high school

#high-school-students #high-school-classes

Anicia’s Avatar
Anicia Nov 05, 2020 1822 views

is it ok to not know what to do after high school?

#high-school #high-school-students #career

Reva’s Avatar
Reva Jul 25, 2018 1633 views

Are internships important to have in high school?

#buisness #high-school #high-school-students

Alacia’s Avatar
Alacia Feb 09, 2021 1537 views

What is the best undergrad major for genetic counseling?

I'm currently looking at majors for an undergraduate degree before a possible master's in genetic counseling. Should undergrad students look at the related majors such as biology or straight genetics, or could students do a major in another area and still meet the pre-requisites for the...

Hailey’s Avatar
Hailey Oct 24, 2020 1182 views

What types of mental health counselors and therapists are there?

I want to be a therapist and help people with their mental health. I'm good at communicating and I'm emotionally intelligent.
#mental-health-counseling #mental-health #public-health #hospital-and-health-care #health #mental-health

Morgan’s Avatar
Morgan Oct 31, 2020 2959 views

What type of college courses do mental health counselors take?

#mental-health #mental-health-counseling #health