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Raghavendra Rao’s Avatar

Raghavendra Rao

3 Answers
2143 Reads
1 Karma
Yuanbiao’s Avatar
Yuanbiao Jan 30, 2023 945 views

What Languages such as C++, python, java, node js, html, etc.. should I learn first What's the order that's easiest??

A high school student that's interested in programing.

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Oct 27, 2022 552 views

What programming languages should I Focus on to be a software engineer?

I am wondering what kind of coding languages should I focus on to be a software engineer.

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon May 14, 2021 666 views

Are there any benefits of using information technology in the military?

I am a senior in high school. I'm considering entering the military when i graduate. I would like to study information technology.