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Dalton, Massachusetts
4 Questions
192 Karma

Hannah’s Career Goals

I want to be a physical therapist in the United States

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Hannah Oct 28, 2021 1451 views

Is it a good idea to take AP Chem in highschool in hopes of going to college for exercise sciense/physical therapy?

#physical-therapy #exercise-science #college #highschool #college-advice

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Hannah Jun 08, 2021 1147 views

If I have the option for science AP courses in highschool, that will be required for a possible major in college, should I take those classes?

For example an AP biology class or AP chem, or maybe AP anatomy.
#classes #science #college-major #college #college-admissions

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Hannah Jun 08, 2021 3724 views

What should I have as a possible minor in school if I am going for physical therapy.

#college-minor #college-advice #physical-therapy

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Hannah Jun 08, 2021 594 views

What is the best/most common major that students go into when they go to college when they want to be a physical therapist?

I was thinking about majoring in kinesiology in college. honestly unsure about what school at the moment. have been looking into umass amherst's kinesiology program. I want to get the best education in undergrad before going into a strict physical therapy track. #physical-therapy #major...