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Deana’s Avatar
Deana May 24, 2018 1007 views

What is it like working in public policy?

I am getting a degree in social work, but my interest lies in the macro side of the profession. I was looking at getting a degree in public policy after I finish undergrad, but I'm not sure what exact jobs there are in public policy. What skills are taught? Would I work for a company or for a...

Stephen’s Avatar
Stephen Dec 15, 2016 2909 views

How do I create a resume for college or applying for a job?

Creating a résumé for college or applying for a job is important and everyone should know how to create one. One must need to know what information to put and not to put. #resume #resume-writing #evaluating-resumes

Mahlaqua’s Avatar
Mahlaqua Sep 21, 2016 975 views

What should you tell professionals when networking?

I need to get an internship as a graduation requirement and know that networking is very important but I'm not exactly sure what to say #networking

peixin’s Avatar
peixin Jun 24, 2021 657 views

How can i get into medicine in highschool?

#medical #doctor #healthcare #medicine

Caprice’s Avatar
Caprice May 18, 2016 681 views

Do you have to pay to study abroad?

When i go to college, I may want to spend a semester in Europe. I'm not sure if colleges cover that or if you have to come out of pocket with your money. #study-abroad

Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha May 22, 2016 837 views

What are some tips or lesson about study abroad

I don't know much about study abroad but I'm really interested in it.My major is Psychology. #college #psychology #college-major #college-minor #study-abroad