Career questions tagged policy

How can I break into the AI governance space?
I'm looking to transition into AI governance or an adjacent field (e.g., policy, safety). However, I've been living off savings and haven't worked in five years (I used to do Human Factors Engineering for a medical startup). Since then, I've become a voice hearer, where I sometimes hear violent voices telling me to assault people and developed an eye condition where once every week or so my eyes move uncontrollably up and remain there for ~20min (it's very embarrassing when around others). I just started paralegal courses last fall, began an AI ethics blog, wrote an AI book, and am now in BlueDot Impact's AI Governance course, which I love. Unfortunately I've been rejected by two AI governance fellowships so far and have been looking at internships at think tanks and government but am not sure if my Bachelors in Philosophy is good enough to break into this space. I'd prefer not to pay 100k for a Masters in Policy or the like unless it's really necessary. I know that b cavello broke into the space with a Bachelors in Economics simply by networking. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!

Why is there so much disconnect between public educators and education administrators?
#teaching seems like such a great career, and so does being an ed administrator, but with the modern-day "common core", "no child left behind" mentality, it ends up putting so much stress and pressure on teachers that does not translate into better student performance. What's worse is that teachers and #administrators rarely find common ground on how to move forward, thus teachers voices are the ones least heard (even though administrators are the ones with power to make necessary changes.) I have always wanted to be involved in #education-administration and try to address the disconnect between the front-end #educators and the back-end ed admins, but surely there are many who have gone into #ed-admin wanting to bridge this gap as well. Is a career as an education administrator really where I could make the impact that I want to make? Are there legitimate reasons that ed admin fails to advocate for teachers, for students, for reasonable standards & improvements in #education that align with reality? I realize these issues are systematic and complex, but will I be caught up in too many politics & power-struggles to make any real difference for *students*? #teacher #aministration #politics #standardized-testing #policy #leadership

As a student of Politics, I want to pursue a career in helping others. How do I go about getting into the industry?
I'm a student studying Politics and I want to pursue a career where I can help others. Ideally, I would like a role where I research and use the information to influence policy. The only problem is I have no real-world experience. Are there any good ways to get experience? I am looking at volunteering opportunities currently. #politics #research # #volunteer #policy #government

How do I narrow down focus on a career if I want to work in environmental science but also study how to mitigate its effects on society (environmental justice)?
I am a rising senior in high school and I am trying to figure out where I should apply to college and what career path I should pursue. I know I have time to decide what major, but I feel the need to focus my activities and classes on a more specific topic so my effort can go further in helping people. I am involved in environmental activism and am passionate about saving the planet. #environmental-science #activism #socialjustice #policy #datascience #environmentaljustice #climatechange #environmentalengineer

Where could I do internships after a Master in economic policy that makes a difference for my cv
#internship #career #economy #policy #master #career-path

What does a career in Educational Policy entail/look like?
I am majoring in Early Childhood Education in the fall but would like to focus on policy/government aspects. What types of careers work in this area of education? #teaching #education #college #career #policy

What policy jobs can I get without an MPP?
I just finished a summer program in public policy, and discovered that while I love the topic, I'm not a big fan of how it is taught in MPP programs. What kind of jobs in public policy can I get without a degree? If I want to do policy advocacy, should I go ahead and pursue the degree? #policy #public-policy #masters-degree #career #job

I want to become a lobbyist, tips?
My first well-paying job was at a machine shop which specializes in turbines and pumps. So, naturally, I fell in love with the manufacturing industry; however, I have always had interest in government. I thought how I could connect my two interests and a career in the environmental seemed like a good idea. I am currently a sophomore at Indiana University studying Environmental Management, and I want to be a lobbyist. Now, before I start, I realize there is multiple ways to become a lobbyist. Here is my plan (after college): First, I want industry experience. I believe starting out in the private sector will provide me with a different point of view. I will be able to know exactly how these environmental policies affect our industry and how to debate my side of the argument effectively. Now, law school is definitely in the question. When do I go? After college? Should I work in the field first? Do I even really need law school? It would be very beneficial... Lets just say, I don't go to law school. Now, here is my dilemma. I have the knowledge of the industry. How do I network with these officials? What groups do I join? What internships do I look for? Basically, how do I become a lobbyist? Once I have established myself, I plan to gain knowledge in, and lobby for, other issues. What is the best course of action, given my plans, going forward? I appreciate all feedback. Thank you for your time. #lobbyist #government #environment #policy #law #career

How do I learn about public policy as a social work student?
I'm interested in doing public policy and community organizing in the future, but I'm currently a social work student. There are only 2 classes about policy for social work, and I completed one with not a lot learned. I am pursuing a political science minor, but there are no classes on policy writing or analysis. I am a member of a few political-oriented student organizations at my college, but we don't have lots of info about policy and how it works. What programs are available to teach me more about public policy? Are there any online resources available for undergraduate students? #social-work #policy #politics #political-science #social-justice

What part of your job do you love the most?
I am an incoming freshman (Undeclared) with interests in Civil Engineering, Environmental Policy, Biostatistics, Data Science, Sociology, Public Health, Entrepreneurship, Product Design, Network Administration, and Financial Analyst & Planning. I am exploring different career possibilities so I would like to get a peek into everyone's daily life. Any highlights in these careers? Is job prospect and salary important (of course happiness is my #1 priority though) #public-health #business #public-health #Civil #Engineering #Environmental #Policy #Biostatistics #Data #Science #Sociology #Public #Health #Entrepreneurship #Product #Design #Network #Administration #Financial #Analyst #Planning #STEM #major #undeclared

What career options are there for economics majors?
I am studying economics at Brown; I really like how economic thinking can solve problems, but I am not a huge fan of math (I do not plan to take any beyond statistics and Calc II which are required). I am very interested in public policy, but more from an applied microeconomics view (rather than macro policy). I'm not super interested in finance/consulting/business, but I haven't ruled it out. I think teaching and research would be super cool, but I know getting an economics Phd is a lot of math. What career options would y'all suggest? #economics #policy #professor #career #phd #government #research

Should I go to law school?
I am interested in pursuing a career in public policy. A lot of people are telling me I should go to law school, but I don't really have that much interest in actually practicing law; rather, a lot of jobs I am interested in are dominated by former/current lawyers (ex: state legislator). Would a Masters in Public Policy/Public Affairs be useful? I am currently an economics major. #law #lawyer #law-school #attorney #law-practice #policy #degree

What is it like working in public policy?
I am getting a degree in social work, but my interest lies in the macro side of the profession. I was looking at getting a degree in public policy after I finish undergrad, but I'm not sure what exact jobs there are in public policy. What skills are taught? Would I work for a company or for a city? If you have any insight, please share! #public-policy #policy #social-work #political-science #graduate-school #mpp

if two employees were too fight would the both be in trouble of just the one who caused the fight
writing a paper on successful employees. #construction #human-resources #employment #conflict-resolution #policy #company-policy

What jobs are there in specifically science advocacy/outreach and public policy?
I want to pursue science, but I also want to contribute to bridging the current science-policy divide we're facing in America. Are there any careers that deal specifically with these issues? AAAS maybe? #science #public-policy #policy #advocacy #career #career-path

What should I major in if I want to go to Law School?
I've heard you can major in anything since GPA is most important, but what about majoring in the specialization field you hope to work in? #law #lawyer #political-science #policy

what i want study for police
my self yashu i am studying 9 th std i have confused what i want to study so #teacher #professor #policy #good-friends