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Daisy Zhang’s Avatar

Daisy Zhang

Business Transformation Manager
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Ashburn, Virginia
5 Answers
3399 Reads
1 Karma

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grace’s Avatar
grace Aug 18, 2018 765 views

I am looking to start a bussiness what is the best thing to do first?

Hi! My name is Grace I'm 12 years of age I attend Pikeville High School I'm in 7th grade. Some hobbies that I have are Dance, Baking,and Gymnastics.I am attending a Verzion Learning Camp. #baker #entreprenuer

Luke’s Avatar
Luke Mar 05, 2019 620 views

What is the best low-cost camera for a new YouTuber? #tech

I'm becoming a Fitness YouTuber and would like to find the best camera for a low cost. What are my options? #tech #technology #YouTube

Isaiah’s Avatar
Isaiah Jun 28, 2021 1033 views

What career should I pursue based on my interests?

I’m not sure exactly what specific career I want to pursue but I have a deep interest in science, medicine and technology, but I’m also interested in marketing and statistics-based careers. What would be the best possible option for me?

Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Jun 30, 2021 769 views

I'm confused on what career I should focus on.

My main interest are science, math, drawing, phycology and computers science. I'm trying to think of a career that would suit me best, I know I'm young but I love to plan ahead.
#career #science #computer #math #science #psychology #computer-science

Aaron’s Avatar
Aaron Aug 12, 2016 1785 views

Do I choose a career that would certainly provide an acceptable income or a career that I love but may not go well?

It been 3 years since I left my island and moved to US to have more opportunity. I love filmmaking, special effect since I was a kid and I would like to have a career in filmmaking. The reason I ask this question is because I want to know if doing a job I love is more important than the risk of...