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Eric Huang’s Avatar

Eric Huang

Principal Engineering Technologist
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Arlington, Massachusetts
4 Answers
9285 Reads
1 Karma

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Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent Jan 22, 2018 931 views

Should I study something that I enjoy or something that makes a lot of money?

I'm a junior in high school with relatively good grades (A's and B's, some C's) and i'm super confused on what i want to study in college. Most of my family members tell me that i should pick something that is "hot in the industry" like IT or engineering. But as time has passed and I've thought...

Deanicia’s Avatar
Deanicia Oct 28, 2016 11255 views

Should I talk about my failures when being interviewed for a job?

I read an article about how a recruiter who interviews students got an answer of "I expect failure" from one of the students. Then they went and wrote an article on how this answer was amazing. Should I do the same and state some failures like struggles in class or should I keep that to myself....

madison’s Avatar
madison Oct 15, 2018 1213 views

Is there a online training? If so how long will it be?


Walter’s Avatar
Walter Jul 12, 2021 1054 views

What courses provide the best trajectory for someone looking to become a Software Engineer?

A bit about myself, I'm currently attending Job Corps. for the CCNA program on Networking. My goal is to complete this and pursue an advanced training for Database Administration, I believe using Microsoft Azure Architecture. A program Job Corps. offers is a transition to a two year or four...