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Moushumi Seal’s Avatar

Moushumi Seal

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
11 Answers
9631 Reads
102 Karma


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Cyrus’s Avatar
Cyrus Sep 17, 2021 550 views

How long should I commit to a career before deciding whether or not it's right for me?

I am a senior in high school wanting to go into an engineering degree, but I am not sure what type of engineering I want to do. I am willing and excited to try different types of majors within engineering, but I do not want to spend too much time in one area if I don't immediately think it's...

hannah’s Avatar
hannah Sep 17, 2021 494 views

what classes should I take in college for app/game development?

#app-development #programming #game-design

Richard’s Avatar
Richard Sep 16, 2021 503 views

What does it take to be a software engineer?

#computer-science What knowledge do you need in order to purse this career?

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Sep 16, 2021 1036 views

What is it like to work in another country?

Right now, I'm still unsure about what I want to do in the future, but I've always wanted to travel the world and learn foreign languages. How would I be able to do that and earn stable income at the same time? Are there any careers that involve international travel? #travel #career...

Edwin’s Avatar
Edwin Sep 17, 2021 1317 views

What coding language I should start to learn as a beginner?

I want to learn how to code but I don't know what language I should learn. #coding #programming

Justin’s Avatar
Justin Sep 14, 2021 878 views

What are the best coding languages to learn with the highest paying jobs?

#coding #code #software-engineering

Dante’s Avatar
Dante Sep 15, 2021 996 views

What are some tips on learning and improving on coding java?

I am junior and have just started to learn about Java. #computer-programming #Java #high school

Sneha’s Avatar
Sneha May 10, 2020 1198 views

Hi. I would like to know what are the technologies/languages I should learn to become a full stack developer?

I am a software engineering student with knowledge in languages such as java, python and C#. I have worked with Sql server and mongodB. #technology #programming #software #computer-software #fullstack

Brayden’s Avatar
Brayden Aug 12, 2016 1869 views

How hard is it to become a Cyber Security?

I am asking this question because I am wanting to know how to hard it is to pursue this career! #computer-science #science #computer #math #compute

Robert’s Avatar
Robert Aug 31, 2021 658 views

What are some jobs available to those with training in computer networking and cyber security

I'm a student enrolled in Job Corps and I'm intend to go into the Computer Networking training then the Cyber Security after. I'm curious as to what kind of Jobs are available to someone with that kind of training. Are there any that offer a flexible schedule in case I wanted to further my...

Isaac’s Avatar
Isaac Aug 26, 2021 939 views

About Full Stack Web Development

I am #computer-science UG student and want to know about all the required skills to get an entry level job.#webdevelopment #requiredskills