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Brian Bremner’s Avatar

Brian Bremner

Client Service Management
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
New York, New York
8 Answers
14367 Reads
1 Karma

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Harold’s Avatar
Harold Aug 06, 2022 7485 views

What's the best major for marketing?

What's the best undergrad major for someone who wants to be in a marketing managerial position eventually, whilst simultaneously having a plan B? Marketing, finance, or other? I've heard that marketing is not the major that it used to be, and most people advice me to align with the marketing...

Johan’s Avatar
Johan May 19, 2016 1157 views

How is the business field in college? I have no experience is business but I may like it more than neurology..

I am very excited for college and studying neurology but I'm afraid if I start disliking neurology half way and may want to change my major. How should I have a feel about business filed? #college #business #neurology

mv0023’s Avatar
mv0023 Jun 14, 2022 645 views

is major in business administration along with minor in some other sub same as Bachelors of business administration(bba)

i love filmmaking and i always wanted to start my own business.i havent chosen which one i want to choose as my career after highschool and i want to know if there is a chance i can learn both in college.if i take business as major and filmmaking as minor in a university will it have the same...

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Oct 25, 2018 1539 views

When making a list, how many majors do you want to keep in mind?

I have many aspirations, each completely different from another. It's hard for me to make a decision because they all have or don't have something that another major does. I would think that narrowing it down would be best when picking a college but....I don't know. I guess you should be...

Sebastian’s Avatar
Sebastian Mar 28, 2019 2976 views

Is it wise to Double major on marketing and advertising?

I am currently a first-year college student but finished my basic college courses while attending an early college high school. I could graduate in a year and a half or pursue an additional major and graduate in 3 to 4 years. #college #college-major #college-advice #major

Samantha’s Avatar
Samantha Jun 27, 2021 1280 views

What classes should I take in college if I am undecided ?

I am 18 years old and I start college in the Fall I do not know what I want to study and I have many interests such as Dance, Psychology, Nursing, Business, Photography. I am the type to change my mind a lot and I am not sure what I want to focus on. #college #business #college-major #major

Munira’s Avatar
Munira Aug 29, 2021 806 views

stuck between business and film majors

I'm struggling with what I want to major/study. I enjoy business and I really enjoy film. Should I pursue business major and a film minor? but I've heard those two studies are practically useless and I suppose the odds of succeeding are low. Economics is more in demand but I don't think I can...

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Sep 02, 2021 1482 views

What entry-level job pays very well?

I am currently in a very tight spot, I barely get any hours from my current job and I only get paid 11 an hour. I am struggling with my bills and I am struggling the most with my small business. I was wondering if anyone knew any entry-level jobs that pay well. #finance #job #business...