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San Francisco, California
6 Questions
509 Karma

Jonathan’s Career Goals

I want to pass my ap exams and be able to transfer into a better college after 2 years at CCSF


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Jonathan’s Avatar
Jonathan Apr 15, 2022 6248 views

Should I choose the college that's better overall or better for my major?

I sometimes wonder if my major will be better in a college that's deemed worse compared to other colleges and so should I go with the college that is considered better, or the college that is better for my major.

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Jonathan Apr 15, 2022 2302 views

Are there benefits to doing extra curricular activities in college?

I know that doing extracurricular activities in high school help with getting into a better college but once I'm in college is there any real benefits that they give me other than personal things?

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Jonathan Feb 04, 2022 974 views

Do I absolutely need to learn any courses for a major in economics and business?

I'm not sure what courses I need. #business #college-major #entrepreneur #economics #any

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Jonathan Feb 04, 2022 1331 views

How can I know what I want to do for my future job?

I'm still not sure what I want to do when I grow up. How can I explore more options? #job #career-choice #college-major #career-counseling #college

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Jonathan Oct 05, 2021 808 views

What kind of job do you think would be best for my kind of personality? I'm still not 100 percent sure of the job I want to do so is there any ideas?

I'm pretty outgoing, never afraid to speak in front of others, but I'm not sure about any jobs yet. #job #job-search #college #career #career #student

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Jonathan Sep 14, 2021 681 views

What extra curriculars would look good on college apps when majoring in business?

I have done volunteering, jobs, and others to help my social skills and hopefully it will be useful in the future. #business