Jason’s Career Goals
My Career goal is to become a stylist or a fashionista and I plan on creating my own brand in the future. I had this interest for quite awhile but I have yet to start so I am here to ask you guys for help!

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Do stylists get paid well?
I was wondering how much do stylists (any type of stylist) get paid an hour and how much they would make a yearly / monthly? Is it a stable job that will provide me a future that will allow me to retire early or late?

How do you become a stylist?
When I mean how do you become a stylist, I wondering what the qualifications are to become a stylist. I'm curious about what it takes to become either a fashion stylist or a hairstylist.

What is the first step in becoming a fashion stylist?
I'm currently enrolled in high school in San Francisco and I have deep interest / passion for fashion but currently I have no idea where to begin or where to start. So I'm asking you guys to share some of your fashion experiences!

How can I prepare myself to become a fashion major?
#college-major #professional #fashion #fashion-design

How do you start your own fashion business?
#business #fashion #fashion-design #design #marketing

What are some ways to have a better understanding in fashion nowadays?
#fashion #fashion-design #art

What are some ways that I can do to achieve my goal as a stylist?
I'm still in high school looking for ways to become a stylist.
#fashion #stylist #style

How can I productively spend my free time?
I have no idea what to do with my time so I'm constantly bored. Any Ideas?
#school #education #ideas