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Bader Hamdan’s Avatar

Bader Hamdan

Partnerships / Alliances, Business Development & Go-To-Market
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
3 Answers
4759 Reads
2 Karma

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Jordan’s Avatar
Jordan Jul 18, 2014 2853 views

Is working at a tech company just like the HBO "Silicon Valley" show?

I've always been curious about working at a startup or at a big tech company in silicon valley. I got to watch the HBO show at a friends house the other day and I thought it was ultra funny. Although I did not get some of the jokes. But is that what it is really like? Especially the part where...

Jayden’s Avatar
Jayden Sep 15, 2021 795 views

What is the best way to balance learning or working for a career you are interested all while doing a side hobby/gig to help better yourself financially?

I am interested in Computer Science, Graphical Design/Art, Computer Engineering as well as Video Production. My experience varies in those categories but all the while, I want to maintain a side gig in college so I am able to self-sustain myself. #computer-science #computer...

Erkhes’s Avatar
Erkhes Sep 16, 2021 3046 views

How do I know if I like computer science or not and if that field is fittable for me?

Junior at Galileo High. Interested in CS field. Wondering if that field is right for me. #computer-science #computer #science #technology #computer-software