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Gopi Patel’s Avatar

Gopi Patel

Medicare Enrollment
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
Tampa, Florida
8 Answers
10159 Reads
11 Karma

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Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Oct 06, 2021 1819 views

Advice on not comparing yourself to talented smart people.

Something I've always struggled with as a student and person in general, is comparing myself to others. Whether if it's looks or intelligence, I always seem to find a way to compare said person and myself. The colleges I want to get into are extremely competitive, so when I can't do something,...

Armaan’s Avatar
Armaan Apr 15, 2019 1240 views

What can I do right now??

I'm in grade eight, what can I do right now that can make me improve my chances to become a Sport Medicine Doctor? #doctor #medicine #healthcare

Lauryn’s Avatar
Lauryn Oct 13, 2021 789 views

Is it okay to graduate and still be undecided on your career choice?

I am in 11th grade and really want to do something medical but I don't want to wait to late to determine my career path. #career #medicine #undecided #college #career-choice

Navaeh’s Avatar
Navaeh Oct 13, 2021 1239 views

What if you are stuck between two career paths, and dont know what one you should choose?

#arts #nursing

Janina’s Avatar
Janina Oct 21, 2018 1911 views

How could i pursue a career in Health care Administration? (Senior in high school)

#health #healthcare #medicine #career #healthcareadministration #administration #manager #hospitalmanager #hospital-and-health-care

Jimmy’s Avatar
Jimmy Oct 14, 2021 1118 views

What education level do you need to setup a business?

#business #entrepreneur

Sandra’s Avatar
Sandra Jul 19, 2016 3825 views

What are some pros and cons of teaching at a private school versus a public school?

I am interested in personal opinions on the benefits or shortcomings of each potential workplace. #teaching #education #private-school #health-insurance #public-school

Pamella’s Avatar
Pamella Oct 12, 2021 1167 views

What is the hardest part about being a pediatric doctor?

I am in 9th grade and I want to become a doctor. I want to work with kids and their families. I think there are many rewarding parts of becoming a doctor, but I wonder what the hard parts are too. #doctor #pediatrics #medical #pediatrics