Career questions tagged life-advice

will life after high school be harder?
im afraid that life will be harder, i wanna move from home for personal reasons and im scared that housing will be an issue, what should i do

seeking advice for scholarships and work-study programs
Currently planning to do my Cambridge A levels; the Oct/Nov 2024 session.. Thinking of heading abroad for university, ideally with a fully funded scholarship—Google's not been much help. Also, I'm eyeing a mix of university and work alongside, focusing on Human Resource Management (HRM).Any tips on scholarship hunts or HRM programs that could help me fund my university journey if i couldnt find a satisfactory scholarship.Could use a hand figuring this out!<3

how can i stay focused on school work ?
i have trouble staying focuesd on school work

How does one maintain a healthy work/life balance so that the demands of a career or academic goal do not stifle other passions?
I have always had a desire to acquire a deeper understanding of our natural world and its living processes at a molecular level. I am applying to college to pursue Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, with the hope of one day attending graduate school or even taking the Medical sciences route. I know that this will be a challenging endeavor and I am fearful that the workload and long hours will dampen my passion for Science or even stifle other areas of my life that I treasure, like my friendships, sailing and playing hockey. How do professionals maintain that healthy balance so that their studies or jobs do not become their whole identities?

What is a job close to a cafe or bookstore??
What is a job that is similar to a cafe or not a big workplace, is not stressing or exhausting, but is also still as a good paying job or can be a full time job? Please help me out every single one of my friends know what to do and time is running out and I really need to know what to do so I can get into a college which I know what to do in please help. How why

How should I take more control over life?
There seems to be an unparalleled vision between me and the world. Contrasting values are prevalent in addition. I simply wanted to sail my own boat with fewer constraints.

What are the unspoken challenges of becoming an entrepreneur?
I'm interested in entering the business/finance field, even though I am aware of amount of effort that is required. I'm very driven and eager to learn, however I'm not sure where to start or even what specific area of the fields to go into. Could anyone who works under these fields explain their experience?

what is the best techniques for being financially stable while working full time and going to college full time>?
what is the best techniques for being financially stable while working full time and going to college full time>

What are some important things to know when I start attending my classes?
I just want to hear any tips for me to have a good start on my very first day of college :)

How hard would it be to move away for college, and then move back to my hometown after I graduate (on my own, not with my parents)?
I am currently in Washington State (Seattle area) and am thinking of going away to California for college. I really like where I live however, and there are a lot of good paying opportunities for what I want to do around here (computer science/software engineer). I think going away for four years would be a good idea because otherwise my parents might still want to always watch over me, and it would give me a good chance to be fully on my own and give me that experience.

Imposter syndrome isn't fun, how do you deal with it?
I'm more than positive that imposter syndrome will follow me for the rest of my life in school, work, etc... and I'm sure it's followed (or following) others also. It sucks, but I believe it can be dealt with in healthy ways, what are some ways you deal with it when it increases or appears unexpectedly? (other than therapy, what are some ways to do it when you want to be alone or when you can't talk about it?) #college-advice #career-advice #life-advice #college #career #education #psychology

Do you have any tips for staying motivated and focus?
As a senior and high school student juggling many things at once, I often lose motivation and struggle with procrastination. I'm trying to get myself back together but it's very hard to stay motivated. #tips #life-advice #motivation

Advice on not comparing yourself to talented smart people.
Something I've always struggled with as a student and person in general, is comparing myself to others. Whether if it's looks or intelligence, I always seem to find a way to compare said person and myself. The colleges I want to get into are extremely competitive, so when I can't do something, I always think, "kids at MIT/CalTech/etc could do this easily. You can't do it like them, so maybe you should rethink your college choices", "what makes you think you can be like them? What makes you think you can take a school with people much smarter than you?", or something along the lines of that; maybe the classic "you're not good enough for Computer Science, they want people who can solve or make an algorithm like it's the abc's". When this happens, I try to redirect my thoughts or take a deep breath. Recently, I've been working on focusing on myself, but it's easier said than done. I was wondering if anyone had different strategies that they use and if they would like to share them. #college-major #college-advice #life-advice #school #career #college