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madison’s Avatar


Elyria, Ohio
3 Questions
91 Karma

madison’s Career Goals

i want to go to school for journilism/broadcasting and become a media broadcaster

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madison’s Avatar
madison Oct 20, 2021 561 views

what type of broadcasting anchoring do you think lets you travel the most?

(media,news,etc...) #journalism #travel #broadcast-media

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madison Oct 19, 2021 398 views

what kind of benifits come with the job of broadcasting/anchoring? i know you can gain a lot of respect but their seems to be a lot of disadvantages that i have thought, like you work on holidays, a lot of people won't like you, etc...

i feel like it would be super hard to be away from my kids, because i definitely want to raise a family, is it hard ? do you feel like you miss a lot of their lives? #anchoring

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madison Oct 19, 2021 510 views

can i go to school specifically for anchoring in the broadcast field, or do i have to learn the technical stuff behind it ?

i am terrible with anything including editing, recording, etc.. i just want to be on tv.

#talking #cameraonme #college