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Taleah’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
6 Questions
316 Karma

Taleah’s Career Goals

I want to own a world wide business then expand & invest! First open salon/stores combined then invest in film making & maybe combine both as I expand & move forward with my career.

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Taleah Dec 10, 2021 549 views

how can I combine the beauty life with the film making life?

#teaching #film #director #mechanical-engineering #life

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Taleah Dec 10, 2021 1579 views

I currently have been braiding hair since I was about 12 or 13 years old but I don’t have much clientele because of school and when I’m home all I want to do is rest, how do I expand my clientele to build knowledge of what I do ? Is it my prices? Is it because I’m an at home braider & I don’t have or work at a salon?

#money #business #accounting #clientele #finance #youngbraider

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Taleah Dec 10, 2021 570 views

What careers do you know that requires business & filming?

#entrepreneur #career #business-management #business

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Taleah Nov 04, 2021 2306 views

Would you go to cosmetology school or business school first ? Why or why not ?

#graduate-school #cosmetology #business

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Taleah Nov 04, 2021 1153 views

How do you balance school & work along with your personal life ?

I’m 17 years old in high school & I want to get a job but I don’t want to fall off track #work-life-balance #career

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Taleah Nov 03, 2021 526 views

What’s the first step to becoming the owner of a self owned business? (From experience was it difficult?) What are things/ways to help you become a better business owner ? How fun/hard do you think it would be to have different sections/stations in one business under one roof? (For ex. Clothing, hair salon, etc.)

#business #entrepreneur #business-management #marketing