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Stanford, California
8 Questions
700 Karma

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rakesh May 18, 2016 893 views

Why did Thomas Edison invent the lightbulb?

Need to know!

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #college #science #higher-education #electrical-engineering

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rakesh May 18, 2016 1192 views

who created operating systems?

I want to work on creating operating systems for my career.

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #college #computer-software #computer #higher-education #operating-systems

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rakesh May 18, 2016 1010 views

wha t do you mean by ppt?

i want to write a presentation. #ap

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rakesh May 17, 2016 1172 views

what is the use of National Cadet Core (NCC) in the future?

I'd like to practice it.

[P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #college #career #military

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rakesh May 14, 2016 1383 views

wha t is hard ware and soft ware?

i need to know. #ap

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rakesh May 14, 2016 1609 views

ms power point meaning?

i want to write a presentation. #ap

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rakesh May 12, 2016 1651 views

What is the study of computer technology?

I'd love to learn more about the study of computers and what potential jobs exist if one were to major in computers. #computer #computer-software #science #college

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rakesh May 12, 2016 2071 views

what is a job that involves teaching others about computers?

I love computers and want to teach other people about them. #computer-software #computer #science #college #career