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Chloe’s Avatar


Elk River, Minnesota
3 Questions
151 Karma

Chloe’s Career Goals

I want to graduate from high school and a 4 year college. I would like to double major in biology and business with a minor in spanish. I want to apply and get into vet school, graduate from said vet school and complete my residency. I would then like to focus on ophthalmology and work under someone before I open my own practice. I would prefer to stay in minnesota but, wouldn't be mad working somewhere in new england or the west coast. I would also light to start night school sometime soon so I can work as a veterinary assistant to gain experience that will help me in the future.



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Chloe Feb 25, 2022 744 views

What are the best classes to take in college when pursuing vet school/ a veterinary occupation?

#veterinary #veterinary-medicine #veterinarian #animal-health

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Chloe Feb 25, 2022 616 views

What is it like being an ophthalmology veterinarian?

#veterinary #animal-health #veterinary-medicine #veterinarian

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Chloe Feb 25, 2022 662 views

What step do you need to take to have a successful veterinary career

#veterinary #veterinarian #career-choice #animal-health