Nicole Barsky
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How to find Investors?
How can i find investors for my 80% monthly gain forex trading setup. Has been working for over 2months perfectly but i need more capital to increase the profit value and to share my opinion with other investors too

What does a lawyer do in life?
What does it take to become a super successful person in life using good college and being a lawyer, What can I do to have a good life and have a good amount of money.

Is Psychotherapy a good career to decide on?
Hello, I am interested in becoming a psychotherapist. What do psychotherapist do? How should I take steps toward my goal? Why is this a good career to choose? When should I begin taking courses that apply to this career?

Do you have to have a degree to be a business owner?
I have always wanted to have a business of my one but everyone always tells me that I NEED to go to school aka collage and university but I don't want to anymore. and I don't know if I have to anymore

What does it take to become a Power Plant Operator?
What kind of certification and training would I need, and how long does it take? Do I need prior work experience, or are there training/apprenticeship programs for the position?