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lukas luk’s Avatar

lukas luk

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
San Diego, California
3 Answers
2216 Reads
1 Karma

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Blake’s Avatar
Blake Mar 02, 2022 830 views

What are some good colleges for engineering?

My name is Blake and I am a sophomore in high school. I like the outdoors and being adventurous. I live in Minnesota as well. #college #engineering #job #engineer #high-school

Scarlett’s Avatar
Scarlett Apr 26, 2022 727 views

I'm looking at a career in the Army that involves coding/computer skills and I have a few questions.

a. How do cyber jobs interact with the military?
b. What are ways to stand out in cyber jobs?
c. Will cybersecurity be overinflated in the next 5 years because of how popular it is now?
d. What are little known ways to perfect your coding?
e. What are the biggest mistakes you can make when coding?

Sam’s Avatar
Sam Apr 26, 2022 768 views

questions on jobs

how long can it take to get the job
how many years of college
is it a dangerous job
what is flown
how much do they make?