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Leviticus’s Avatar


New York, New York
5 Questions
381 Karma

Leviticus’ Career Goals

Student has not yet added Career Goals Statement



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Leviticus’s Avatar
Leviticus Jun 03, 2022 1072 views

what is the best way to network with people in the industry

i don't really try to keep up with people that much. Most times I'm too caught up in my work.

Leviticus’s Avatar
Leviticus May 26, 2022 785 views

One career goal of mine is to work for a famous tech company like apple or samsung.

I think I could reach this goal within the next few years.

Leviticus’s Avatar
Leviticus May 26, 2022 558 views

One career goal of mine is to run my own tech repair shop.

I think i could achieve this goal within the next few years.

Leviticus’s Avatar
Leviticus May 09, 2022 615 views

What skills can I learn to help make me more distinct in the computer engineering field.

What skills are rare/ needed in this field that not many people possess.

Leviticus’s Avatar
Leviticus May 09, 2022 740 views

What would be a good way to build experience before jumping into the computer engineering field.

I want to do something involving fixing/ building technology, but I don't know where to start.