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mario’s Avatar


Chicago, Illinois
3 Questions
126 Karma

mario’s Career Goals

My goal is to be in some form of software devlopment or computer enginering .

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mario May 03, 2022 754 views

When stuck on a topic of coding is it better to try and fail or watch someone just get it right?

I'm asking this question because sometimes when I watch a tutorial about learning a certain way of doing something while I know its the right way sometimes I still fail to understand it

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mario May 03, 2022 625 views

what is the most vital part of coding or software development that will help me branch into other areas?

I've did java and c++ a little, but i want to know more coding languages.

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mario May 03, 2022 408 views

What area of coding or software development should I get into for video game development?

I want to get into more areas that involves game development.
Im not a good graphic artist .