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Theresa Kelso’s Avatar

Theresa Kelso

Product Portfolio Manager
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Syracuse, New York
2 Answers
10120 Reads
11 Karma

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Tahjey’s Avatar
Tahjey May 20, 2022 7806 views

is it better to make your college classes in the morning or afternoon

is it better to make your college classes in the morning or afternoon

Anja’s Avatar
Anja Feb 24, 2022 2627 views

What jobs are the best for introverts?

I am a person who works best alone, as I can get pretty nervous when interacting with others. I wanted to know what careers are best for those who don't work well with others. I am thinking something within STEM or something that has to do with art. #art #science #career #math #personality...