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Renee Cunningham’s Avatar

Renee Cunningham

Human Resources
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Office and Administrative Support Occupations
Tampa, Florida
7 Answers
14786 Reads
11 Karma

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Kai’s Avatar
Kai May 13, 2022 698 views

Will nursing help me change as a individual ?

how will it change me

lexy’s Avatar
lexy May 10, 2022 2096 views

colleges for business/major?

What colleges are the best for majoring in business? Maybe marketing?

Jayson’s Avatar
Jayson May 20, 2022 2506 views

whats the best way to figure out what specific field in business I want to do?

I have ideas of what field but I dont know which to choose

antonio’s Avatar
antonio May 12, 2022 525 views

1. What are three informational interview questions you will ask?

for electricians like a trade or something in that matter

Tahjey’s Avatar
Tahjey May 20, 2022 7806 views

is it better to make your college classes in the morning or afternoon

is it better to make your college classes in the morning or afternoon

Lily’s Avatar
Lily Feb 25, 2022 850 views

What is a good college for forensic psychology in the MN area.

#psychology #forensic #college #college-major #Minnesota

Amity’s Avatar
Amity May 20, 2022 594 views

Is psycology a good thing to major in if I want to minor in pre-law?

I don't know what I should do I have always wanted to be a lawyer and to help people but I also know that as a lawyer you could potentially have to represent a client who has a severe mental disablilty or who just struggles with mental health in genral I just want to be prepared. I could just...