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Brad Riley’s Avatar

Brad Riley

Recruiting Leader
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Haverhill, Massachusetts
4 Answers
11908 Reads
1 Karma

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Sally’s Avatar
Sally Oct 26, 2022 643 views

What jobs involve/need a psychology degree?

Currently I know jobs involving psychology are therapist and psychiatrist. Is there more jobs involving psychology that aren't very known?

Nadege’s Avatar
Nadege Dec 29, 2016 1037 views

Which branch of psychology has the highest rate of hiring

I am psychology major and I have been told industrial psychology have the highest rate of hiring meanwhile I am interested in health psychology. #professor #professional #graduate-school

Kaitlyn’s Avatar
Kaitlyn Oct 17, 2022 6447 views

Are there jobs and opportunities that are available in psychology prior to getting your master's degree??

Hi! I am interested in psychology, but I know that to get the most successful career, it is helpful to have a master's degree. I was wondering if there are any jobs available in psychology after earning your bachelor's? Can I be in school for my master's degree and still have a stable job in...

Oscar’s Avatar
Oscar Aug 03, 2022 4554 views

Job seeker with lack of experience

I am applying for jobs and many of them require at least one or more years of experience. Is it worth it to apply even if I lack that experience?

Thank you!