Career questions tagged boston

What colleges are best for either majoring in math with an art minor, or double majoring in both?
I'm a high school junior looking for larger colleges in the Northeast. I don't want to go to a small liberal arts school or any fancy prestigious schools, but would prefer a larger college. I want to continue doing art but don't want to pursue it as a career. What colleges have the best math and arts programs that work well together?

Internships for High Schoolers in Boston area?
What are some good business related internships or work opportunities for high schoolers in the Boston area?

I’m planning to major in Computer Science. My top choice is Northwestern, but I also love Boston, and MIT would be fantastic for Computer Science education. However, I heard MIT is not the best for undergrad, mainly due to stress and student life. Should I do Northwestern for undergrad and MIT for my masters?
I am about to be a senior in high school. I plan to work in the aerospace field writing autonomous navigation software. My GPA is 4.4, ACT is 35, and I have many extracurricular, including being a NASA HAS scholar. #computer-science #college #science #college-admissions #northwestern #nu #northwestern-university #mit #boston #chicago #undergrad #masters

similar jobs to a geneticist
I am a student that thrives in my STEM classes and loves genetics specifically. What are some careers that may be for me other than being a geneticist? In addition, I like the idea of working in a hospital, specifically one near Boston, MA. I hesitate when thinking about becoming a geneticist because I fear that I will not have as much children/people interactions that I would love to have be apart of my career. #STEM #hopital #Boston

I am a junior in high school, and I am interested in participating in a research internship this summer in a natural science field. What are some of the best programs near me?
#research #internship #chemistry #Boston

Is electrical engineering as hands on as I think it is?
Hello, I am an aspiring electrical engineer and I want to do EE because I enjoy it. My main concern is that electrical engineering jobs aren't hands on. I have heard from multiple people that the majority of the jobs are just sitting at a desk all day. Also, is EE in Boston viable? To me, it seems like yes #electrical-engineering #engineering #engineer #job #boston

How many opportunities are there for a linguistic major in Massachusetts, specifically Boston.
#linguistics #language #boston #Massachusetts

What are the pros and cons of a bs/md program?
I'm a senior and I have been thinking about working in the medical field for a land time. I heard about the bs/md program and I though it was pretty cool, but I'm not sure #college #medicine #surgeons #boston #bsmeprograms