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Andrew’s Avatar


Anaheim, California
3 Questions
221 Karma

Andrew’s Career Goals

My Goal is to succed in life by making as much money as I can.

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Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew May 23, 2022 715 views

What would i major in to become a good entrepreneur?

I dont know what to major in even though one of the options is entrepreneurship. Do I choose that as a major or something else.

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew May 23, 2022 2790 views

What is Entrepreneurship?

I know what it means but i don't fully understand it. How do you become a good one. How do you make a lot of money but then help people at the same time.

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew May 23, 2022 1941 views

What classes in college do you need to take to become a successful business owner?

I want to own a business due to sports. And I want to run more things that help people. And I want to know what classes I need to take to be able to do that.