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Shruthi Krishnan’s Avatar

Shruthi Krishnan

IT services
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
3433 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Kayana’s Avatar
Kayana Jun 19, 2022 723 views

I want to enhance my extra-curriculums from home for college, but don't know where to start. Any advice?

I want to do something this summer to learn new skills as well as better my chances in the best colleges around the world. I am a business student.

Purushotham’s Avatar
Purushotham May 26, 2016 1539 views

How do I choose between colleges?

I have a few different options and I've considered all the usual things like location and academics. But what else can I use to narrow down my search for the perfect college? #college #student #colleges #studies #business-alliances

DD’s Avatar
DD Jul 05, 2021 757 views

Who am I ?

I am almost clueless and 'goalless', if such a word even exists , and I am also not in a situation where I am accepting my wellwishers' good suggestions about my life . What can I even call myself and What would be the best to do - Continue thinking about why I am not able to identify myself...

prajwal’s Avatar
prajwal May 04, 2016 1501 views

how can we improve the engineering quality in india?

I love my country and engineering!
#engineering #engineer

Raghu’s Avatar
Raghu Jun 17, 2016 1097 views

I want to become a Teacher

After completion of my education I want serve towards the society #teaching #teacher #professor #social-work #volunteering #lawyers #volunteer #trainer #leaders #speakers

anas’s Avatar
anas Jul 07, 2022 561 views

Hi,iam from india and i have completed my +2th grade i wish to be in sports field after my +2.I am good in football and i also trying to do some sports related jobs.plz suggest me some jobs related to sports.

Hi,iam from india and i have completed my +2th grade i wish to be in sports field after my +2.I am good in football and i also trying to do some sports related jobs.plz suggest me some jobs related to sports.