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Tahsin’s Avatar


Detroit, Michigan
4 Questions
276 Karma

Tahsin’s Career Goals

I'm a striving criminal prosecutor who's excited but also hesitant about beginning the journey. Ever since participating in my school's Mock Trial tournaments back in 6th grade, I instantly developed a liking for the field of law and decided that I would like to be someone involved in it.



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Tahsin Sep 29, 2023 526 views

Scholarships for Detroit Students?

Hi, I am a current high school senior trying to make enough money for college. Are there any scholarships exclusive for Detroit, POC, or women?

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Tahsin Sep 29, 2023 3607 views

Best Major for Law School?

Hi, I am a current high school senior wondering what would be the best major for someone who's trying to get into law school.

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Tahsin Jul 18, 2022 776 views

Hi, what does the daily life of a criminal prosecutor look like? From the moment you wake up to when you head to bed?

My name's Tahsin, I'm a high school junior who's interested in becoming a criminal prosecutor. Writing, debating, and mock trial = My favorites.

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Tahsin Jul 17, 2022 759 views

Hi, I am a rising high school junior interesting in becoming a criminal prosecutor. Is there anything I can do at this time to increase my likeliness of getting accepted into law school and making a successful career for myself?

I've participated in my school's mock-trial tournaments in 6th grade which instantly sparked my liking of this career and has inspired to me to actually pursue it.