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Charlotte, North Carolina
4 Questions
136 Karma

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Dimarco May 18, 2016 1639 views

As a fashion designer, does it become difficult to stay relevant?

As different trends change everyday, it must be hard trying to stay relevant mostly if you don't agree with the new style of clothing being presented to the world. #marketing #fashion #design #merchandising #cultural-trends

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Dimarco May 18, 2016 1203 views

How do fashion marketers keep up with the new and different fashion trends in everyday society?

I know it must be hard and frustrating to wake up to the different trends of fashions society creates for themselves everyday. I want to know how do marketers cope with it and adapt to it so they stay relevant and on top. #business #marketing #fashion #design #merchandising

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Dimarco May 18, 2016 1185 views

To become a sous chef, would it benefit if I attended a four year university or a private school that focuses solely on my career choice?

When applying for colleges, my counselor insisted that I look for schools that have specific scholastic programs that focused solely on my major. I was wondering if going to a private school would be better than attending a regular 4-year university if they both had programs for my major. #art...

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Dimarco May 18, 2016 827 views

With most of you being fashion gurus, would you prefer promoting an underground fashion line or partnering with mainstream designers?

I ask this question because there are more underground, up and coming fashion designers who, in my opinion, have better taste than many of today's mainstream designers. Sometimes I wonder if it's all about the money or actually using your expertise and knowledge to help those underground...