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Blessed Joshua

10 Questions
1021 Karma

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Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Aug 21, 2016 1691 views

Any Tips for someone learning Mobile App Development? Specifically for Android

I am a first year Computer Science Major. #computer-science #computer-software #technology #software-engineering #software-development #java #android #mobile-applications

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Blessed Joshua Jul 30, 2016 2870 views

Am I required to have a Computer Science degree to become a Software Engineer? Do employers look more on the skill of the person than the degree? Also, do employers look down on people who do not have a Bachelor's Degree?

I'm a First year Computer Science Major. Also I'm taking a Udacity NanoDegree by Google in Android Development. #computer-science #computer-software #computer #technology #software-engineering #software-development #coding #development #personal-development #career-details #job-application

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Blessed Joshua Jun 29, 2016 1391 views

What is one important advice do you have for an aspiring Software Engineer like me?

I am a first year Computer Science major. Also, I am taking Udacity's Android Basics by Google. #engineer #computer #software #software-engineer #android #ios-development

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Blessed Joshua Jun 24, 2016 2307 views

What is the best laptop for a student pursuing to be a software engineer

I am a first year Computer Science Major. And I am also taking the Android Basics Nanodegree by Google. #computer-science #computer #software #programming #software-development #software-engineer #google

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Blessed Joshua Jun 06, 2016 2174 views

Is it important to learn Git and Github for the software industry?

I'm a first year Computer Science major.

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua Jun 02, 2016 1961 views

What's the best way to gain Computer Science experience, without any experience at all?

I am a first year Computer Science Major #computer-science #technology #software #programming #computer-engineering #programmer #development #google

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua May 30, 2016 2285 views

I'm thinking of learning how to develop mobile apps. Which is more valuable to companies iOS or Android? I

I can't decide which operating system to focus on. #software #software-development #software-engineer #android #ios #mobile #mobile-app

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua May 19, 2016 4152 views

Besides Java, what other coding languages are heavily used in the software industry (Especially for companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, or Facebook).

I am a first year Computer Science Major. My goal is to become a great Software Engineer! #computer-science #computer #software #tech #software-development #coding #google #microsoft

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua May 18, 2016 2603 views

Software Engineer

I'm a first year college student majoring in Computer Science. How to get a software engineering internship? What experiences or skills do I need to get an internship from a huge company like Google or Apple? #computer-science #computer #software #software-development #software-engineer #google...

Blessed Joshua ’s Avatar
Blessed Joshua May 18, 2016 1752 views

Software Engineering

I am a first year Computer Science major. The main coding language they teach in the curriculum is Java. I am currently seeking for another language to learn. What is another coding language that will benefit me in the future when I start looking for Software related jobs....