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Grad student
Irvine, California
2 Questions
172 Karma

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Niloofar’s Avatar
Niloofar Sep 07 640 views

How to navigate the unfamiliar and demanding nature of counseling school age children without falling apart?

Hi there, I am currently completing my second/last internship for my Master's in Mental Health Counseling and Art Therapy. My internship last year was with adults with acute and chronic mental illness. This year, I landed a last-minute placement with a nonprofit organization that places...

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Niloofar Sep 16, 2023 1195 views

What are the important points to remember working as a new clinical mental health intern at an inpatient/outpatient hospital unit?

Hi all, I'm a second year grad student in mental health counseling, and first year intern. I was wondering what are the important points to remember working as a new clinical mental health intern at an inpatient/outpatient hospital unit? Do you have any tips that would ease the anxiety of not...