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Sam Sodha’s Avatar

Sam Sodha

Financial Wellness
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Charlotte, North Carolina
5 Answers
18554 Reads
1 Karma

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Maria’s Avatar
Maria Mar 12, 2017 6115 views

What is the 1 book you would suggest everyone reads in their lifetime?

I'm making it a personal goal to read for 30 minutes daily again, and am looking for some quality material. Anything related to science, technology, or woman's history are very interesting to me. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #women-in-tech #reading #women-in-engineering #books

Angelina’s Avatar
Angelina Feb 04, 2017 11179 views

What will make you stand out at a job interview?

Hey! I was just wondering what could make me stand out a little when I go to a job interview. Would it be something that I would say, something that I would do, or something else? Thank you! #business #medicine #teaching #law #technology #interviews #information-technology #customer-service

Timothy’s Avatar
Timothy Jun 13, 2016 11635 views

Are Leaders born or made?

I am a high school student and I consider myself a leader. I however, want to improve my leadership skills as I will be taking on bigger leadership positions in the next school year. I know that leaders are made through learning and teaching but also, could it be true that we may be born with...

Tamara’s Avatar
Tamara Mar 25, 2022 490 views

What skills do you believe are most important in the role of a Medical Administrative Assistant ? Why ?

I'm a high school graduate. I'm currently enrolled in job corps for MAA trade and I would love to learn and know more about it.