Rob Cuttito
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Opportunities for data scientists?
I am a college student majoring in Environmental Science. I'm considering adding a second major of Data Science. However, I am wondering how many opportunities there are for data scientists that are not working for just any large company to help them maximize profits. For example, are there...

Computer science vs Cybersecurity BS?
My school offers a BS in Computer Science and a BS in Cybersecurity. No specializations, they are their own separate BS degrees. They offer similar classes in the beginning, but then change and become more focused near the end. I am wanting to know, if anyone knows, what each field is like? For...

What additional training/certifications/classes should I take to further my career in Cyber Security
Hi my name is Daniel I am a current cyber security prospect, I am looking to build myself, as well as my portfolio in the field and would appreciate any information or tips for a strong lucrative start.
Thank you for your time.