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Anabel Montero’s Avatar

Anabel Montero

Technical Trainer
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bogotá, Colombia
6 Answers
5317 Reads
11 Karma

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Matt’s Avatar
Matt Sep 05, 2023 992 views

What is a difference between a Software Developer and a Software Engineer?

What is the difference between a Software Developer and a Software Engineer. And what does each of these professions do in their jobs.

Victoria’s Avatar
Victoria Oct 31, 2022 761 views

How does a person become a university professor?

I think I'd enjoy a teaching job in the future but with better pay than middle or high school teachers. If I am interested in becoming a professor, what is the process? What are the qualifications?

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Aug 29, 2022 583 views

What certifications are worth getting and what certifications aren't worth the time


Benjamin’s Avatar
Benjamin Aug 29, 2022 792 views

What is the best coding language to start with?

I would like to know what coding languages that can be used universally and where I could learn them from.

Genevieve’s Avatar
Genevieve Aug 30, 2022 1857 views

Understanding the different tech careers.

I've been recently researching the different types of IT/computer degrees, and I'm struggling to understand how they differ. There seems to be a lot of overlap in the various careers. I've been able to improve my comprehension/understanding by comparing the various technology careers to the...

Kiet’s Avatar
Kiet Sep 02, 2022 592 views

Studying to be a programmer

What things I need to study to become a software programmer ?