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Rebecca Reynoso’s Avatar

Rebecca Reynoso

Sr. Editor
Management Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Chicago, Illinois
3 Answers
11779 Reads
21 Karma

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Danielle’s Avatar
Danielle Sep 05, 2022 2659 views

How to uptain work experience

I am finishing up my degree in information technology soon. But have no work experience in the field. What can I do to get some relevant experiences?

Harold’s Avatar
Harold Aug 06, 2022 7492 views

What's the best major for marketing?

What's the best undergrad major for someone who wants to be in a marketing managerial position eventually, whilst simultaneously having a plan B? Marketing, finance, or other? I've heard that marketing is not the major that it used to be, and most people advice me to align with the marketing...

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Mar 02, 2022 1775 views

What degree do I need to have to be a writer?

#writing #degree