Career questions tagged copy-editing

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CarlosFeb 13, 20241595 views

Which advice or advices could you give me to make my copy and writings flows better and with sequence?

Hello im a beginer copywriter and I would like to know Which advice or advices could you give me to make my copy and writings flows better and with sequence? Thanks, God bless

answer icon10 answers
Active Mar 18, 2024
location iconLa Paz
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CatherineFeb 10, 20182431 views

Can you be both a copy editor and a content editor?

Rather than being one or the other, I'm wondering if you can be both. I'm aware that each type of editor has a different skill set; however, I love the idea of doing both types of editing and I wouldn't want to limit myself to one type. Plus, wouldn't the flexibility of being able to do either type of editing be an advantage career-wise? #writing #editing #writing-and-editing #copy-editing #content-editing #copy-editor #content-editor #editor #novel #book #novels #books #publishing

answer icon6 answers
Active Dec 22, 2023
location iconLos Angeles
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CatherineJan 21, 20181537 views

Can you get an internship at a publishing company?

I'm not in college yet, so it might be a little early for me to be asking, but I'd really like to be a copy editor for books and I was wondering if I could get an internship at a publishing company in the future, to scope out the environment and get more experience with the job. Will I have opportunities for this in college? If anyone has ever interned at a publishing company, what is it like? (p.s. I mean a publishing company specifically for books/novels, not really a magazine or newspaper or more journalistic organizations.) #writing #writing-and-editing #creative-writing #editing #editor #internships #internship #interns #publishing #publishing-company #copy-editing #books #novels #novel-writing

answer icon3 answers
Active Feb 26, 2024
location iconLos Angeles
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JadaJan 17, 20181356 views

Is there a profession out there that's an equal balance between creative writing/publishing and biomedical science?

I am torn between majoring in English and Biomedical Science/Engineering. I love to write stories and strive to become an editor for a publishing company/fiction author or screenwriter, but I also love genetics and would love to be a genetic engineer and researcher (see the details from my previous question.) My parents don't want me to pursue an English degree because the profession "isn't that lucrative" and I'd spend a long time working my way to steady earnings, but they also want me to find a job doing what I love. They've suggested technical writing, but I fear that technical writing could also mean less creativity when writing instruction manuals or scientific journal articles. Any suggestions or advice from real-world experiences? #creative-writing #technical-writing #writing #news-writing #editor #writing-and-editing #fiction-writing #science-fiction #creative-non-fiction #fiction #copy-editing #publishing #genetics #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-science #career-path #screenwriting #author #creative-writing #double-major #dual-career #multiple-interests #english #communications #grant-writing #proposal-writing #career-path #career-choice #career-decisions

answer icon5 answers
Active Feb 18, 2024
location iconHuntsville
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LatavisMay 05, 20161175 views

What college courses do I need to take in order to become a video game designer

Because I want to be a video game designer #art #design #film-production #broadcast-television #television-production #audio-editing #copy-editing

answer icon2 answers
Active Apr 10, 2024
location iconRockingham