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Asbury Park, New Jersey
4 Questions
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Scott Apr 27, 2023 1409 views

How do I negotiate a salary?

I received a job offer today in an email and would like for the hourly rate to be higher. What are some best practices for responding to the email in order to get a higher salary offer? Any specific language you can share with me on how to reply would be best!

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Scott Apr 27, 2023 3494 views

how do I leverage a job offer from a competing company to negotiate a salary raise at my current company?

I have worked at the same job for 10 years and they do not pay enough and offer minuscule raises. I would prefer to stay at my current company in order to avoid transitioning to a new company and a longer commute. How can I use this job offer to have a constructive conversation with my boss?

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Scott Jan 19, 2023 16820 views

How do you talk to your boss about leveling up in your career?

I have been working for the same large company (but on a small team) for 10 years at the same role. I want to grow in my career, take on new responsibilities and move into a managerial role. I think there's a good opportunity to move within my own company and think it's probably important to...

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Scott Sep 26, 2022 889 views

How do I go about getting basic logistics credentials without a four year degree?

I have a bachelors degree in Fine art, and work in the art services field, and want to transition out of an operations type role. I thought this might help further that part of my career course, and possible shift. My current role in operations is as a Master Carpenter/ Fabricator/ Crating...