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aya’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
4 Questions
316 Karma

aya’s Career Goals

I would like to study computer science in college and then maybe specialize in a more specific area such as analyst, designer etc. I am also very interested in Film and Cinema Studies and would like to pursue this interest in college as a major or minor.



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aya Jan 30, 2023 562 views

Should students take a career path that will guarantee income or a career path in which they have interest ?

I have two study interests and one of them is less promising than the other. I think this is an important decision to make about one's career.

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aya Jan 30, 2023 357 views

Do you need to have a lot of experience and knowledge in a field in order to major in it?

I'm studying computer science in high school but I am not sure the knowledge I have right now is enough for me to major in computer science in college.

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aya Oct 31, 2022 2116 views

What coding language is most used in the computer science field/ jobs?

As I am learning about some of the coding languages such as python and Java script, I am wondering which one is most commonly used when working in computer science. What do current companies/ software engineers use to create programs?

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aya Sep 27, 2022 965 views

Why should I take a computer science major in college?

I am currently a junior in high school and I have been taking computer science for two years now. I have always found the content of study very interesting and I am thinking of perusing it in college.