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Ashley Holsten-O'Bryan, RN’s Avatar

Ashley Holsten-O'Bryan, RN

Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Registered Nurse
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
Ypsilanti, Michigan
5 Answers
2815 Reads
22 Karma

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Ashley’s Career Stories

How did you pick your career? Did you know all along?

When I was younger, About 13-14 years old, I wanted to be a Doctor or a Vet, but I told a friends mom that I didn't want to go to college for several years. She suggested that I consider being a Registered Nurse. I remember immediately liking the way that sounded. I have always had a passion for writing, and want to write a novel one day. This was a good career choice, and I figured I could write a novel while working as an RN too.

In layperson terms, what do you actually do at work?

As an Adolescent and Child Psych RN, working Inpatient, my work duties vary day by day. I typically get to work, and get my patient caseload assignment from the previous shift nurse. The nurse leaving tells me how her shift went, anything important to know about the patient, and if there is anything that I need to complete on my nursing shift. After, we visit the patients together, and introduce myself as the new RN for that shift. After greeting all my patients, I get on the work computer and do a quick chart review on each patient. This allows me to find medical information, doctors notes, nursing notes, therapy notes, health conditions, lab values, ect. After, I tell each patient to get ready for breakfast. I monitor them eating in the lunchroom. After, I make sure a complete mental health assessment is completed on each patient. I monitor them in groups. I delegate vitals to be taken by the CNAs also know as PCW's on my unit. That is the basics of my job. I also educate patients, pass medications, usually psychotropic. I occasionally have to use restraints (this is always last resort) in a patient is at large risk of immediately harming themselves, me, or other patients. And of course, I document throughout the shift. I am very careful with my documentation.