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Melody’s Avatar


San Francisco, California
4 Questions
186 Karma

Melody’s Career Goals

I want to be a mechanical engineer(maybe). My goal is to figure out what profession I want to pursue.



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Melody’s Avatar
Melody May 10, 2023 404 views

How does one transition from high school to college?

I'm a senior in high school and about to graduate soon. How should I prepare for college?

Melody’s Avatar
Melody May 10, 2023 503 views

How do I become a mechanical engineer?

Other than majoring in mechanical engineering when I go to college. What other steps can I take to become a mechanical engineer?

Melody’s Avatar
Melody Feb 17, 2023 1428 views

How do I know if Mechanical Engineering is the right career for me?

I am currently interested in pursuing the field of engineering in college, specifically mechanical engineering, but I am still uncertain. How do I know if it's the right career for me, and would it be too late to change my major later on?

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Melody Sep 27, 2022 610 views

What should I consider when applying for colleges?

I'm a senior in high school, and I have no clue what I want to do in the future, where I want to go for college, or what I should major in.