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Dave Garcia’s Avatar

Dave Garcia

Senior Detective
Protective Service Occupations
El Monte, California
4 Answers
5313 Reads
21 Karma

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Zoria’s Avatar
Zoria Nov 03, 2022 3035 views

how long do you have to go to school to be a detective?

i want to be a detective but a lot of people say after you go to school you have to become a police first then you can come a detective is that true?

Michael’s Avatar
Michael Nov 21, 2022 702 views

How can i get a part time customer service job while having 3 felonies?

I have 3 felonies. One of which is attempted second degree burglary. Ive always been in sales and customer service. How can i get a job?

Ellyn’s Avatar
Ellyn Nov 09, 2022 571 views

Do you have to go to college to be a police detective, and if so how much is the average pay for detectives?

I am still in high school but haven't really thought or talked about college, but I am interested in being a detective for the police. I'm not really sure if you have to go to college for it and I'm not sure how much they get paid. Help, please!

Peter’s Avatar
Peter Oct 04, 2022 1336 views

What is the mean different between a detective and a police officer?

My dream job is to work for the police. But I don't know what job...